Get users’ attention with virtual reality
Immerse your users in a virtual reality universe.
Virtual reality is one of the big bets for effective, innovative training and awareness-raising. Virtual reality training immerses the user in a 100% digital universe, with a VR headset that recreates real-life situations, enhancing users' retention of information.
The solutions are designed with unity technology. Each view can include an integrated video to provide information or present your company's premises. These virtual reality training solutions therefore represent educational platforms for employees, helping to ensure their safety.

Boost your communication with virtual reality
Les usagers ne sont plus fidèles à un type de canal mais favorisent les plateformes cross-canal. En optant pour une stratégie de cross-canal avec la VR, vous gagnerez en image de marque, en fidélisation des collaborateurs et en prévention risques. La réalité virtuelle de Virteem vous permettra de tirer profit d’une communication innovante et impactante auprès de vos collaborateurs. Il est important de préciser que la VR est différente de la réalité augmentée. La formation en réalité virtuelle permet de retenir entre 80% et 100% de l’information consultée et les usages en entreprise sont multiples. En découvrant et en apprenant les simulations aux risques, la solution avec des casques VR permet donc de développer davantage les compétences de vos collaborateurs et ainsi favoriser leur productivité pendant leur emploi.
Formation en réalité virtuelle sur salon avec un casque, visite à distance d’industrie, visite de showroom virtuels. Au moment de la production des plateformes, nous effectuons une réflexion pour trouver un moyen de capter l’attention des utilisateurs en immersion à 360° dans un univers virtuel.
Immersed in complete immersion thanks to headset, your customers and employees enter your environment without any logistical constraints. Through a user path thought upstream, it allows a guided navigation within the various sites of research, production, exhibitions etc.. It is an innovative sales and negotiation tool that makes the difference. Propose an alternative offer to enhance communication with participants and develop commercial activity.
Immersive learning allows you to save money and time and eliminate logistical constraints.

Improve training of your employees
Occupational risk prevention :
Faites vivre les accidents à vos équipes en toute sécurité, grâce à une mise en situation. Ces applications permettent de transformer un contenu théorique en une mise en pratique virtuelle. L’enjeu est d’aller plus loin que la simple explication en donnant la possibilité à vos salariés de ressentir les risques pour augmenter sa sensibilité face aux dangers. Ces formations en réalité virtuelle permettent aux employés de vivre et de participer à des scénarios à haut risque, sans mettre leur vie en danger.
Avec Virteem, nous imaginons des ateliers à 360°, basés sur de la 3D ou un univers réel avec de la prise de vue réelle, pour reproduire différents types d’accidents :
- Risk of falling from a height
- Chemical risk
- Impact/crushing risk
- MSD (musculoskeletal disorders)
An alternation between 3D and real views allows to guarantee the veracity of the environment. This VR solution thus envolves the learning of situations by the employees, while ensuring their safety.
Training with manipulation
The VR training allows employees to have a concrete staging of the various trades of a company. The users carry out, in complete autonomy and safety, sometimes complex manipulations related to their job. The goal is to make them actors and not just spectators of the training. The training module contributes to improving employee performance. Indeed, VR provides real-world stimuli, which allows employees to acquire a virtually complete experience.
Virtual training reduces instruction time by up to 60% and costs 50% less than physical training. It is a tool that has been adopted by 26% of companies to train employees because it allows simulations in any work context.
It is a solution that answers today to 4 recurring problems in the field of "classic" classroom training :
Long training times
High cost of face-to-face training, which must be constantly renewed
Poor immersion in the professional reality
Motivation that is difficult to define
Information retention with a VR workshop
Of information retained one year after a VR training compared to 20% in a traditional training
Cost reduction compared to traditional training
Of employees want to try it, at least out of curiosity
Why use virtual reality in your company ?
The advantages of VR are several and allow a direct and indirect return on investment :
- Increase the capacity to retain information
- Offer an immersive and interactive experience
- Simple use format
- Develop corporate identity
- Enhance products
Creation of immersive learning platforms is tailored to the needs of each client. Each project is managed by our entire technical team with the objective of quickly delivering the solution. VR is used for industries 4.0, human resources but also for universities and local communities.
Virtual training has proven to be more effective than traditional training: 48% of employees subjected to VR have integrated the six values of the company, compared to only 3% of employees enrolled in "traditional" training. The VR platform is therefore a pedagogical support for employees that allows them to acquire skills more quickly, in remote.
Why choose VR ?
Virtual reality, an immersive adventure
We offer your collaborators a 360° environment with which they can interact and which appeals to their different senses. The user is transported to a virtual place. Beyond simple immersion, Virteem creates enriched digital platforms. Users have access to rich interactive content, such as videos and PDFs. Our virtual solutions allow the user to become an actor. Choose virtual reality to immerse your employees in an interactive 3D environment, allowing them to experience a fun moment, but above all to increase their ability to retain information.

Virtual reality, an innovative medium
Virteem creates immersive solutions that allow you to offer new formats to broadcast your content and hold the interest of your target audience. Your prospective customers or employees will have access to various features and interactive contents that combine exchange, information and entertainment.
Virtual reality allows you to design realistic immersive universes with 2D or 3D animations, or even 360 degree videos in which learners will be immersed during their learning. By viewing these different animations, learners are directly into a simulation where they can embody different characters of professionals in situations similar to a professional place.
Our virtual reality solutions
Notre technologie ne cesse de se développer et peut être adaptée sans limites. Nous développons en interne différents modules interactifs qui permettent d’évoluer en toute autonomie mais également de collaborer à plusieurs. Le back-office SaaS mis à disposition pour nos clients leur permet de mettre à jour les contenus et les call to action de la totalité de leur solution interactive. Nos serveurs sont hébergés en France et n’ont pas de limite de visiteurs. Avec notre fonctionnalité « Lego », votre solution virtuelle peut donc évoluer dans le temps.
Le plus de Virteem : toutes nos solutions allant de la visite virtuelle au salon virtuel sont adaptables en réalité virtuelle.
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